
Job Id: 1198

Scientific Programmer

, OH

Lead the development of custom software solutions that cover the design, metrology, and analysis of novel gradient-index-based optical elements. There is significant optical and scientific expertise in the company, with a strong need for an employee capable of independently translating the science into robust, custom software solutions that address challenging numerical problems.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Transform physical models of optical and mechanical behavior into numerical models efficiently and robustly.
  • Offer expertise on best hardware/software solutions for achieving programming goals for difficult modeling/optimization simulations.
  • Set development schedules, milestones, and run regularly scheduled code reviews (including preliminary design and critical design reviews) with key stake holders.
  • Deploy and maintain software solutions in the development and production environment.
  • Develop standard operating procedures, troubleshooting guides, and train manufacturing engineers and technicians, as needed, to use newly developed software tools.

Required Qualifications:

  • BS in Physics, Optics, Mathematics, Computer Science or Electrical Engineering (a MS may be substituted for direct experience).
  • Demonstrated ability in developing software solutions for applied / numerical models.
  • Fluency in multiple programming languages and platforms.
  • Experience with parallel programming, leveraging GPU resources.

Please click the green APPLY button below and include your resume to start your application

  • Max. file size: 300 MB.